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#NigeriaDecides2019: THE SHADOWS OF LIGHT - Nshe Velnoe David

You get what you deserve. There is an old saying “garbage in, garbage out”. Some get more than they bargain for because they believe
they are out like everyone else but yet they rule in their world and in the lives of others. You and I are the massive, people who work
around the clock to keep life going,
People who work harder to earn a living,
People who struggle on daily basis to Carter for love ones,
People who fight to protect their treasure,
People who aspire for transparency in life,
People who deserve love and to be loved like all respected humans.
That don’t apply to them, it seems like an illusion in the serinate of confusion that they can do anything and live happily ever after while
others suffer suffer at the mercy of the merciless.
They do this from the shadows, shadows that we cast with our own indifference. Shadows we can't catch the glimpse of it yet we feel it
through our veins in pains. With the pervasive lack of interest in anything that doesn’t indirectly affect us, we were there now we are
here and now. Or maybe it’s just the shadows of weariness clouding our glowing face. Of how tired we are struggling to crawl our way
back to a middle class that no longer exist. Because of those who take more than they deserve and they keep taking all that is left living
us to leak the bowl that is dry. The past is a memory of how it used to be, before the cooperation and the bottom line decided we
didn’t matter anymore but we do, without the image there is no shadow, we all matter, the shadow needs an image to give a portrait.
We all matter!
You and I matter!
the people of this country matters,
Yes! we still matter!
There is someone in this country that doesn’t share this belief, he has been among-st us for quite some time, you have never heard his
name, you’ve never seen his face. He stayed in the shadows. Because men like him, men that want to control our country, our lives, fear
the light, And what it reveals. These men must no longer be allowed to operate in darkness, let their shadow give an image. If they have
nothing to hide let them step forward. For what we know them or rather for what they are called, the name that stands for them and
which they are generalized with, their existence been called as THE CABAL. All we ask for is to have a better image and shadow. Come
out from the hidings. And let us see your glamour, to see a better country we call for. Where every child will be given a better childhood,
a better education,
A better health service,
a better wealth,
A better goal,
A better life,
every person given an equal right, a better future and present to reckon with live.
This I wish get to them to push them out of the shadows to bring them out to see a better country we crave for.
A new and better Nigeria.

Written by: Nshe Velnoe David